
Introducing: Suiix

With sounds that will leave you tuning out and hovering above the world from their psychedelic vibes-introducing Suiix!


Suiix’s flexible, wide ranging style and ambitious vision has helped Sarah Jullienne carve out her own definitive take on synth pop.

Suixx is the pseudonym for Sarah Jullienne, who is a Sydney born, Berlin-based artist. She has a quite unique approach to her music and describes her style as a mix of bistrohop, pop and dream. However I find her music to also have a really great scape, synth and psychedelic elements to it that creates the cocktail of blissful-musical-release.

Sarah Jullienne is not an unknown face to the music industry, having many different musical ventures in the past. Over the years Sarah has been a part of Shady Lane (indie/pop), She Rex (rock/ hip-hop) and Lily So & The Bellows (indie/pop). You can see though that through her solo venture, Suiix , that these different previous musical ventures and dabbles in various genres have influenced her current style. Suiix not only has the genre influences but also resonates the experience these previous musical ventures has provided for Sarah. The control of tempo whilst the different layering and texture present within Suiix exemplify the way her experience within the industry has resulted in the creation of tracks with Suiix.

The track Hi whilst is very cutely named, will literally have you escaping the hustle and bustle of reality. If you have a decent set of speakers or headphones you will be able to drown out the noise of traffic and the city bustle to simply sit back and tune it all out. This track makes you want to simply take a deep breathe in, fall back into your chair with your eyes closed and escape to a world of psychedelic musical bliss!

Planet was the first track released from her solo project and opens with really soothing and sensual sounds. Unlike Hi, this track is a lot smoother and contains a lot of dream elements. It’s really as if she is singing you a lullaby with this track. Until, Planet changes half way into the four-minute piece. Whilst there is definitely still the dream quality, the introduction of the drums and higher-toned vocals transform the track into a dreamy-scape-pop-synth creation.

With less then 150 SoundCloud followers, Suiix is still quite a new venture to the music world. Her scape, psychedelic and dream style music will I’m sure, have this number increasing rapidly. Looking forward to the next release from Suiix to see where this talented artist will take us!