Who’s making which sound, and who the hell has that deep a voice? Watch as Korean acapella group Maytree take on a suite of iconic Windows sound effects.
Maytree, a Korean acapella group, have just released 28 seconds of perfect recreations of classic Windows sounds. The sounds, which were pretty excellent to start off with, feels polished with finesse in these freakishly accurate recreations.
Maytree have played into the tech world a little bit already, with a Mario soundtrack recreation and a phenomenal cover of the Tetris theme tune. But, judging by views, the Windows sounds have been the first to capture the ears of people across the world.
Prior to my first watch, I didn’t think these sounds would be as viscerally embedded in my psyche as they are. I was prepared for the percussive bass of the error noise, and the crunch of the trash can, but hearing the XP and Vista startups tickled my brain in a way I wasn’t ready for.
Combined with the unerring stare of Maytree’s lead lady holding a tablet for visual cues, this video does a real number on you. Check the 21 second mark for the world’s most well-earned smug eyebrow raise.
Obviously, when coming across this level of phenomenal vocal control, your first instinct is to ask how they sold their souls for the talent, and if you can get in on it. Unfortunately, the more you look into this video, the less becomes clear. Apart from the world’s happiest beat boxer, I found myself constantly second guessing which member of Maytree was making what noise. Eventually, I was left with nothing but questions. Who granted these beings such power? We may never know, all we can do is be glad that it’s here.
Peep the comments to see that even the official Windows account gives Maytree a “Windows 10/10”.