
Matthew Miller delves into doomed love on new single At Least For Now

Matthew Miller‘s knack for emotive story telling absolutely shines through on his latest single At Least For Now. The track delves into a heartbreaking tale of being entwined with someone who isn’t ‘the one’. The track is inquisitive in all the right ways. It doesn’t lay blame, but perfectly revels in the hopelessness that a mismatched, yet alight, romance can bring.

While people in doomed relationships can somewhat be ignorant to the circumstances, there usually tends to be a tingling of uncertainty. We can all relate to the feeling of tightly holding on to the rays of sunshine that pierce the clouds.

Sometimes love is a race against the clock, but it’s all too comforting to wade in it’s ageing glory. Sydney’s Matthew Miller explores this all to well on his latest single At Least For Now.

Matthew’s knack for the theatrical shapes the song. The orchestral rise and fall of the track is quite refreshing in today’s day and age. By combining pop stylings with his contemporary musical background, he has created a sound that is not only accessible, but engaging.

The narrative of the lyrics culminates in the last line of the song, with the refrain “at least for now” that rings throughout finally concluding with the sentiment “you’re mine”. Life’s an ever unfolding story, appreciate each page as it comes.

Looking at Matthew’s back catalog, it’s evident that he is making great strides to infuse his theatrical talent into his music. While not completely gone, electronic elements have less of a feature on At Least For Now than on older tracks such as Unsaid and Don’t Disappear.

The latest single comes ahead of the release of two EP’s set to be released towards the end of 2019. Matthew gave us a quick insight into a live performance of another track off the EP’s titled Do This Right. It simmers with theatrical brilliance and if these two songs are setting the bench mark for what’s to come, it wont be long until his name is up in lights.

Check out At Least For Now below: