
Max C Bud pillages the depths of the human condition on his debut EP

We first came across Max C Bud when he released Temptress back in 2018,a feel-good track produced by Boo Seeka’s Sam Croft. Since then he’s been on the warpath, releasing a string of ever-stronger singles in the lead-up to us debut EP.

And now, that EP is out to the world, and we suggest wrapping your ears around Human Things pronto.

max c bud human things

Fall deep into the emotional troughs of Human Things, a stirring debut EP from Sydney-based songwriter Max C Bud.

Throughout Human Things Max C Bud touches on a great many intricacies of what it means to be alive and human – as the title might suggest. Between the walls of his debut EP you’ll find ruminations on trust, love, and struggle, delivered with the candour of a man who understands what it means to feel.

Jaded, a single released ahead of the EP, and title track Human Things resonate especially deep; two tracks held together by radio-ready guitar lines and concisely lyrical verses.

Moving away from his work alongside Sam Croft, Human Things was produced by Sydney’s Ben Saler (Murray James, Elijah Bill) and recorded between the Viking Lounge and Max’s home workshop. The tracks were then handed to Viking’s own Paul Stefanidis for mastering.

The result is an EP that stands firm amongst Max C Bud’s output to date; a self-affirming collection of songs that Max himself describes as his “most accomplished work to date and one that I truly feel proud of.” We concur.


Human Things is out now.