Sheffield duo, Perfectparachutepicture, combust in their hard-rock EP, White Walls – made up of four emotionally hard-hitting tunes.
The hard rock duo, Perfectparachutepicture, deliver a delectably exciting and vibrating EP White Walls.
The group, dwelling from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, burst with four tracks of alt-rock riffs and equally hard-hitting lyrics.

Perfectparachutepicture is made up of vocalist and drummer, Kyle Ernest and Edward James on bass.
Together, the duo swirl to create a sound bursting with energy and angst – there is no shortage of passion in White Walls.
The EP is a cracking thrash of guitar riffs and drum slams, all thumping with the underlying vein of metal-dripping vocals.
Walking on the edge of hard rock and heavy metal, Perfectparachutepicture move around the shadows of a sound grabbing you by the ankles and pulling you into the darkness.
The EP kicks off with the hard hitting title track, White Walls. Grumbled by Ernest’s juggernaut vocals as the chorus pleads; “give me a sign of something real/all we know is where are/White walls don’t do so much” the sharp sonic waves instantly slice through the air effortlessly and immediately you are hooked.
Idea follows next, crashing through a magnetic riff, rubbing with smoky electricity.
The previously released track, already receiving over 30,000 streams on Spotify, shakes the floor under our feet, proving that the duo are not afraid to look the themes of mental health and escapism, directly in the eye.
“The EP is our way of stumbling through a bad situation and not actually knowing if you’ve come out better, or if you’re just used to it… it’s about never giving up, but also about not actually feeling too shit when you haven’t actually gotten to the end” the group explains.
Having written the EP at a time when the world seemed to be crumbling around them, the distorted guitar riffs in The Stream feel almost like the cracking of a weight pinning them down.
What follows is Below, an emotionally driven punk-slam that feels like a burst into the dark unknown.
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One thing is for sure, in the rocky shadows of alt-rock, here lies Perfectparachutepicture and their riveting EP, White Walls; be sure to check it out below: