With their incredibly seductive and hypnotic brand of funk-infused psychedelia, Sydney quartet Hibiscus Biscuit ooze out the kind of music that’ll leave you feeling all tingly inside.
Now with the release of their irresistible new video for Home Wreck, we caught up with the band to chat blow-up dolls, scaring strangers in alley ways, and sexual escapades.
Fresh off the release of their irresistibly seductive new video for Home Wreck, we caught up with Sydney band Hibiscus Biscuit for a chat.
HAPPY: Hey everyone, how are things? What are we all up to at the moment?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: Groovy. We just moved into a share house in Katoomba to slum it out together, play music every day and record some juicy little tidbits.
HAPPY: This track is saucy. Tell us a little about how it came together…
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: For the discretion of all parties involved we can’t tell the full story, but the song was born out of one of Ricardo’s sexual escapades.
HAPPY: What are we hearing on the opening guitar line? That’s tasty.
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: Wah pedal and whammy bar. Ricardo recommends that this combination is the most efficient way of making sexual noises come out of your guitar. Make sure you fiddle with that whammy bar just right.
HAPPY: Dig the clip too! What made you want to film in Newtown?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: We picked Newtown because that’s where the real life events we attempted to recreate took place, Ricardo fatefully first crossed paths with this mystery lover on the intersection of King St and Enmore Rd. Newtown is also where we first met by random chance and then started playing together so it’s also a homage to our roots.
HAPPY: Any fun interactions with the locals while you were dragging a blow-up doll around the suburb?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: We definitely got some serious side eye and some laughs. Our friend in the morphsuit managed to scare the shit out of someone in an alleyway but he commented on an instagram post so I don’t think he’ll be pressing charges:
“Just a narrow alleyway. If anyone asks I’ll say I never saw a blowup doll or morphsuit and I don’t know who Hibiscus Biscuit is.” – @Sware
Also saw a couple cheekies taking photos of us so it was all good fun.
HAPPY: And tell us about this fine lady. Who is she? What does she dream of?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: Her name is Melissa and she’s lighthearted but she can be a bit of an air head sometimes. She doesn’t care what people think about her and will go where the wind takes her. She dreams of drinking mojitos on a plastic beach and watching the sunset.
HAPPY: Is the clip an accurate representation of the Hibiscus Biscuit live show? Do you wear more or less clothes onstage?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: It usually depends on how many free drinks we have for the night.
HAPPY: What else do you have coming up?
HIBISCUS BISCUIT: We have our Home Wreck single launch coming up on September 21st at the Oxford Art Factory and another single in the works so keep your eyes peeled.
HAPPY: Thanks for the chat!
Grab tickets to Hibiscus Biscuits single launch here. Watch the new video for Home Wreck above.