
PREMIERE: New single Memomorial kicks up a fresh new direction from Melbourne garage rockers Dozeys

Australia must be home to some of the worlds most musical garages. That’s the conclusion we’re beginning to draw on the back of releases like Dozeys brand new single Memomorial. Melbourne based garage rockers Mitch Peters and Brad Dadson’s first single release off their upcoming LP is typical of the fine crop of garage rock that is popping up across the nation. Memomorial could definitely propel this duo to somewhere near the highest branches of the garage rock tree.


May the garage be strong within you through Dozeys’ upbeat, guitar riff frolicking new single, Memomorial.

Exploring the lacklustre experience of idolized people and places in the face of time, Memomorial is an intelligently titled coming of age tune. A predominantly musical track, Peters and Dadson meld together the DIY sound of garage rock with an edgy psychedelic blues undercurrent. Beginning brightly with some very pleasing minor chord progressions, the track dives in to an extended period of different solos. Each segment of soloing alters pace and tonal quality delicately to the one preceding it. It feels like a musical expression of the reflection presented in the songs lyrics.

Some of the soloing evokes a feeling of frustration while other parts bring out a more contemplative emotional response which perfectly fits with the songs refrain “The people and the places I was once completely wrapped in awe, are surely slipping through the ruthless sands of time, time and time again”. Finishing with another period of soloing to follow the final chorus, Memomorial leaves you time to consider the changing nature of your surroundings as it shoots off into the reverb heavy, cymbal driven instrumental that drives this quirky examination of the environment of nearly every 20-something year old.

Dozeys will be launching Memomorial at the Grace Darling Hotel on the 28th of May with The Tiny Giants and Sun Bazel in support. With their initial EP Cosmic Psyche also garnering positive feedback we are sure that this show will be a corker and very much worth yo- precious-time. Within Cosmic Psyche, it is clear that Dozeys are a band whose sound is diverse and definitely evolving. Memomorial is a more upbeat giving from the band and shows their developing versatility which may see them develop a profile in Melbourne’s vibrant musical landscape.