
Prepare to ruin your childhood with this Pornhub parody of ‘The Lion King’

You know what they say; some things are sacred. The Lion King is apparently not one of them. In the spirit of digging up all the unholy Pornhub parodies the internet has to offer, my latest offering to you is none other than everyone’s favourite Shakespeare remake, feat. lions.

Please scroll down to ruin your childhood dreams.

the loin king, the lion king, pornhub, parody

A son’s redemption after the backstabbing murder of his father – no, not Hamlet – The Lion King! Or should I say, The Loin King?

Ok. I know what you’re thinking, but – why not?

Brought to you by porn company Wood Rocket, highlights of The Loin King include: “Can you feel my muff tonight?” (very different from the Can You Feel The Love Tonight sung by Beyonce and Donald Glover just last year – but no less valuable), as well as classic lines like: “We’re in a porno now Poonbaa, say whatever you want!”

And trust me, the dialogue only goes up from there. Whilst it may only be marginally better than Catsin reality, that’s a pretty big compliment. Also, did I mention its a musical?

“Whip out your dong, we’re in a porno with songs!” And the rest is history.

If you’re not convinced, let the good people of Twitter help you decide.

Check out the trailer in all its glory below.

Next Up: “The biggest celebrity sex tape of all time”: a tribute to ‘The Simpsons’ Pornhub parody