
Spotify is telling users they can’t cancel their accounts

Spotify’s customer service team are overwhelmed with cancellation requests following the Joe Rogan/ Neil Young Saga.

If you haven’t heard about Neil Young telling Spotify to choose between his music or Joe Rogan’s podcast, you may be living under a rock. Or just taking a break from the internet.

Either way, it’s been quite a big deal.

Spotify customer service error

Since the threat, Neil Young removed most of his music from the streaming platform and the hashtag #cancelSpotify has been trending non-stop, with artists and users alike boycotting the service for backing a podcast full of COVID misinformation.


Joni Mitchell has even joined the fight and removed her music from Spotify and it seems like everyone has agreed that it’s just not worth paying for a music provider that doesn’t provide the best music.

According to reports on Twitter, Spotify is now being slammed with cancellation requests and their live customer support team cannot handle the influx.

One even reported that the customer service team has been shut down completely due to the unprecedented number of complaints.

A tweet from lawyer Tristen Sneel said: “Spotify is no longer letting people cancel subscriptions. Their customer service system is completely overwhelmed. People asking to cancel are being told they cannot. Presumably Spotify will allow cancellations again at some point once their system is not so flooded.”

Sneel is probably correct in that it just sounds like a system error but let’s face it, it may end up saving Spotify a few bucks when the news blows over and their customers forget why they wanted to cancel their subscriptions in the first place.