
Study finds that people who aren’t moved by music are basically emotionless robots

Does music not move you? Then you’re basically an emotionless robot with limited brain connectivity, or so a new study suggests.

A team of researchers from Spain and Canada has found evidence that suggests people who are not emotionally moved by music have less connectivity between the regions in the brain responsible for processing sounds and those involved in managing emotions.


Does music not move you? Then you’re basically an emotionless robot with limited brain connectivity, or so a new study suggests.

Scientists have long been fascinated by subjects who don’t respond emotionally music in any shape or form. Some have theorised that this is due to reduced communication in the brain between the regions responsible for processing music and those responsible for generating a response. Not until now though that this has been proven.

In the study, researchers examined 15 people who said they felt no emotional connection to music, asking them to undergo fMRI scans while they listened to music playing.

As a basis for comparison, they also examined 30 more volunteers, 15 of whom believed themselves to respond in an average way to music they liked, and 15 individuals who believed they responded more strongly to music they liked than the average person. Both of these groups also underwent brain scans while listening to their favourite music.

The researchers found that those who felt no response to music had less blood flowing to a part of the brain known to be involved in processing emotional rewards than the other two groups.

However, they are unsure of whether lack of music appreciation cause a reduction in brain connectivity, low brain connectivity causes a lack of music appreciation.  What is certain though is that if music does’t move you, then something is wrong. Did we need science to prove that though?

Read the actual, non-sarcastic report here.

First seen on Medical XPress