
The 2019 Global Drug Survey is open now! Play your part in painting a more drug aware world

Ahead of Happy Mag Issue 10, our inaugural Drug Issue, we’re throwing our voice into building a more drug aware world. Pre-order your copy of Issue 10 here

Every year, the Global Drug Survey rakes in over half a million responses to paint the most comprehensive picture of drug use and perception there is.

The 2019 survey is officially open now. If you’re over 16 years of age, consider sparing 15 minutes to build a world with a more honest conversation around drug use.

global drug survey fear and loathing johnny depp hunter s thompson

It’s time to take part in the world’s largest drug study, the Global Drug Survey. All it takes is 15 minutes to help half a million people build a more transparent world when it comes drugs.

Over the last five years the Global Drug Survey has grown into something absolutely massive, built by a team of passionate people who believe that drug use should be examined and talked about honestly, rather than demonised and seen as a criminal activity.

Issues in a particularly high focus for the 2019 survey are psychedelic microdosing, which is having somewhat of a golden moment, the use of psychedelics in treatment for mental illnesses such as depression, the role of drugs in sexual assault and consent, and the impact of recent large-scale cannabis legalisation.

This year the survey has been translated into 20 languages and hopes to reach 35 countries or more. Because, sure as hell, we know that drugs are everywhere.

Take part in the 2019 Global Drug Survey here. Of course, the survey is completely anonymous.


While we have you, we recently launched a Kickstarter for our upsized print mag. Issue 10 will be our first ever Drug Issue, throwing our voice into building a more drug aware world.

Find out more here.