
The Jensens’ Everybody Talks is the best game of Chinese Whispers ever

Still quite fresh since their formation in 2013, Brisbane five piece The Jensens provide us with Rage-worthy tunes that you’ll be playing at three in the morning in the aftermath of the house party. Their debut EP Everybody Talks gives us eight tracks that already will leave you hoping they’ll be on the 2016 Groovin, Splendour and Falls line-ups.

Everybody Talks

Brissie legends The Jensens are back on the scene with their debut EP Everybody Talks, leveling up their already impressive knack for garage pop.

Bringing with them the seamless blending of music and lyrics that they provided us with on their first two tracks – Shark Thunder and Fears – The Jensens continue to give us angelic harmonies, catchy rifts and excellent use of the effects pedal. With a sleek 50’s undertone that is merged well with modern day rock characteristics, The Jensens present to us a sound that can only be described as Garage Pop; you can imagine hearing their parents yelling at them them to keep it down in the background.

Their uniqueness has attained the curiosity of the Brisbane music scene, which has in turn earned two of their singles, Shark Thunder and Sick Sad World featuring in videos and publications from Surfing Life and also receiving commercial airtime on multiple occasions.

Members Nathan Kendall and Joe White offer us gravel-like vocals that agree wholeheartedly with the reverb pedal, and compliment that unmistakable 90s distortion perfectly. Their diction and control is impressive, with their lyrics being sung quickly, and then shifting almost instantly into harmonies. See Fears for evidence.

Fears steals the title for best bridge of the album. Listen and you will see, the intense jiving that would happen at a festival during this bridge would be incredible. The unsung hero of this EP is definitely the vocals, with perfectly timed harmony back ups and scatting stealing the show all the way throughout the record.

It’s been a while between tracks for these guys, with their last release being in May 2015, they were long overdue to provide us with some tunes. Elvis is Dead also sits pretty as one of their best songs on the EP. They’ve got southern country influences with the guitar solo at the end, the 50’s rock acknowledgement with the backing vocals and harmonies and the indie rock of today with their rhythm guitar. Elvis is Dead gives you everything, and showcases all of what The Jensens can do at once.

The Jensens are told to have one of the best live performances and atmospheres there are, so we better hurry and get their play count up so they’ll be brought to a festival near you. You don’t wanna miss these guys, they’re gonna be something special.