There’s no time like the sleepy weekend to indulge in some fine new literature. This week’s list features profound stories of dispossession, centuries of song, a flash photographer, the alienation of young men and long-distant crimes. Read on for the best of this weekend’s books.
No One, Why Young Men, Flash, The Yield and The Song Remains the Same are the new blockbusters that we’re getting into this weekend.
The Yield by Tara June Winch
August Gondiwindi is living abroad when she receives the news of her grandfather’s passing. Returning to find her ancestral lands under threat, she endeavours to prevent the dispossession, guided by the voices of the past. Via Penguin.

Flash: the Making of Weegee the Famous by Christopher Bonanos
Arthur Fellig – aka “Weegee” – had a sixth sense for sniffing out crime scenes on the gritty blocks of New York City. Far from full story, this colourful character is now regarded as a true innovator of the photographic arts. More at Pan Macmillan.

No One by John Hughes
A mysterious incident is the trigger for this contemporary indigenous story. A crime may have been committed, but where is the victim? For more details, visit University of Western Australia Publishing.

Why Young Men by Jamil Jivani
Recounting his experiences as an activist across continents, Jamil Jivani highlights the shared characteristics of gang members, ISIS recruits and neo-Nazis, asking the question: why are young men so often at the centre of violence? From Pantera Press.

The Song Remains the Same by Andrew Ford and Anni Heino
What links the classical greats like Beethoven and Brahms, to modern icons like Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan? The form of the song. This book examines 75 historically and culturally diverse songs , laying bare their inner workings and connections to one another. Via Black Inc.