
#TooStrongForYouKaren merch and the story behind the viral hashtag

You might be aware of a recent news story involving racist comments made towards two Indigenous artists at their home in Mildura over the weekend. Or possibly seen the influx of #TooStrongForYouKaren memes bombarding Facebook?

In case you missed it, a white couple were filmed at the residence making racist taunts and attempting (but failing) to tear down the Indigenous flag.


In the video, a woman identified as “Karen” – who has inspired the #TooStrongForYouKaren movementmakes a failed attempt to pull down the flag.

Further abuse and racist commentary is captured throughout the footage, in which the white couple continue to taunt their neighbours in an unprovoked attack.

But what has emerged from the assault, despite the distress and torment it has caused the Indigenous couple – who were new to the neighbourhood – is a wider community of people rallying together who won’t stand for any kind of discrimination.

Robby Wirramanda, the artist and Wergaia man behind the camera, responded at Karen’s failed attempts to rip down the flag:

“It’s too strong for you, Karen.”

This response has taken on a life of its own, leading to the hashtag #TooStrongForYouKaren trending on Twitter. But things just got even more interesting with the emergence of new #TooStrongForYouKaren merch. Designed and created by Kira Djnalie, the merch is now available for purchase in a range of different designs and patterns – from mugs to t-shirts, there’s something for everyone.

So whether you’re scrambling for a last minute Chrissy gift or just sick and tired of the racism and discrimination experienced by Indigenous Australians on an everyday basis, take a look purchasing an item to show your support. Personally, we recommend the tee; a silhouette of a woman trying, and failing, to tear down the Aboriginal flag.