
“Don’t be afraid of Covid”: Trump leaves hospital and returns to White House

Under world-class medical attention, Trump appears to have made a speedy recovery; however, his tweets are once again downplaying COVID’s severity.

Following treatment for testing positive to coronavirus, Trump has returned to the White House today.

White House physician, Sean Conley has determined the president is “not out of the woods”, but Trump is certainly acting like the whole ordeal was merely a walk in the park.

Photo: Jacquelyn Martin

Around 30 days before the US election, Trump and the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19. Naturally, both a great dose of fear and somewhat gleeful irony shot through the country.

While many feared for Trump’s upcoming health battle with the virus, the president, globally infamous for his downplaying of the virus, seems to be having quite the speedy recovery. In fact, he’s now left the Walter Reed Medical Centre after only a three day stay. Seems a bit short right?

It’s tricky to determine, however, there are some potential reasons for this abrupt departure. Firstly, being the US President has its privileges. Trump would be the first to tell you that the Walter Reed Medical Centre is home to some of the very best physicians and doctors in the country, where the president’s every medical query has been acted upon 24/7. This has hardly been the treatment everyone with COVID-19 has received.

Potential reason number two: Trump has been treated with steroid dexamethasone, which is normally reserved for more extreme cases – another medical luxury granted to the current president. There’s also a conspiracy theory floating around the web which claims that Trump faked the whole COVID thing so that he could then downplay it in order to secure the upcoming election. It’s far-fetched for sure, but perhaps not quite as ridiculous as the QAnon conspiracy.

Trump’s public outlook regarding the situation is also a cause for concern. Based on recent tweets, Trump appears to be using personal experience to dismiss the virus’s severity, framing his own, reasonably comfy experience with COVID as the norm. This feels especially misplaced after his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and two deputies have also just tested positive for COVID-19.

“Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid,” Trump tweeted earlier today. “I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

Seems pretty insensitive considering the virus has taken the lives of over 200,000 Americans. Now, having returned to the White House, Trump has been filmed removing his mask for a photo opportunity, despite still being contagious with the virus.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was right when she described: “his words weigh a ton”. Trump’s relief from the virus is good news. However, it certainly shouldn’t be used as a political manoeuvre to position COVID as something to not worry about or take precautions against.