
Premiere: Dean Luke finds solace in nature in new video for ‘What Do I Know?’

Dean Luke meanders along winding roads and feasts on sweet pastries in the stunning new video for ‘What Do I Know?’

Dean Luke has shared the new music video for his debut single ‘What Do I Know?’.

You may have caught wind of the stellar track upon its release last month, but the accompanying clip — premiering today on Happy — sketches new contours of the Melbourne/Naarm musician’s artistry.

Dean Luke interview

Set in the lush green wilderness, the video follows Luke as he ventures into the woods in the tray of a ute, accompanied only by his guitar and various sundries. 

Luke sings along winding roads and looks pensively at the skies, intermittently playing his guitar as he journeys further into the woods.

The video is littered with some truly mesmeric shots, from a zoom-out capturing Luke’s lonesomeness in the forest to striking images of him perched solitarily on a park bench.

Elsewhere, the singer-songwriter feasts on sweet pastries and creates a cosy sanctuary atop a rock face with blankets and pillows in tow. 

That shot is particularly memorable, speaking to the outro lyrics that mention Luke’s quest for “solace in the neverending beauty of the sunset and the stars.”

It’s one of multiple visual references to his songwriting, with other shots following Luke as he skims the pages of various books on existentialism.

Reality, Man and Existence and Carl Jung’s Psychology of the Unconscious are two such books, calling back to lyrics in which Luke consults philosophers for guidance. 

Dean Luke interview

“These lyrics are about trying to find a solution to the pain I was experiencing at the time from people wiser than myself,” Luke told us in a recent interview.

It’s a testament to the artist’s clear creative vision that such ideas are brought to life so vividly, and he ends the video on a note of optimism despite all the existential despair.

The clip concludes with Luke finally finding solace and quietude in nature, fading to black as he sleeps in the moonlight. 

Watch the new music video for ‘What Do I Know?’ above, and scroll down to listen to the single on Spotify.