
Watch all three seasons of Twin Peaks in less than sixty seconds

David Lynch and Mark Frost’s literal masterpiece Twin Peaks deserves much more than fifty-three seconds of video montage, but if you’re pressed for time, this video does the trick.

Twitter user Andy Kelly has put together a single minute supercut of frames from the show – from every episode of the show.

Throughout 1990 and 1991, television audiences worldwide were captivated by the blasé surrealism of arguably the best thing to have ever graced the small screen.

Aside from its beautiful cinematography, shrewd writing and powerful acting, Twin Peaks pushed the boundaries of cinema by implicitly reflecting the psychoanalytic perceptions of the mind.

2017 saw the third, and perhaps final, season run its course 27 years after the first season was premiered. Many of the actors remained in character for the final season, but audiences were treated to a few cameo appearances, too.

For those who found Twin Peaks too much, too little, or just enough, here is a video which collates one second from every episode, spanning from 1990 to 2017. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers. You won’t find out who killed Laura Palmer, not that it mattered in the scheme of the series anyway.


Via Open Culture.