
Watch this beautifully animated video of John and Yoko discussing the secret to love

In 1969, Village Voice writer Howard Smith sat down with John Lennon and Yoko Ono to extract from them the secret of love. What emerged was a profoundly candid conversation about the couple’s relationship and the subject of devotion and emotion.

john and yoko

Watch this incredible animated video of an interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono from 1969 where they discuss the secret to love.

The interview ended up featuring on The Smith Tapes: Lost Interviews with Rock Stars & Icons 1969-1972 — an collection of Smith’s interviews with a range of icons like Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Jerry Garcia.

The audio, however, has since been used for a different purpose. Back in 2014, multimedia nonprofit Blank on Blank took the recording and brought it to life by illustrating the conversation and presenting it as a wonderful animation, simply titled, John Lennon and Yoko Ono on Love.

Watch  below:

[via Brain Pickings]