Instagram’s World Record Egg has finally cracked. What seemingly started off as a social commentary set to beat Kylie Jenner’s record for most liked Instagram picture has been revealed as an ad for mental health.
Over the last few weeks, the profile has added more images of the egg with cracks appearing on the shell. People began discussing what may be cracking out of the egg, and reportedly became a bidding war for companies hoping to be the metaphorical chick.
The World Record Egg finally cracked this week, revealing that it’s an ad for a mental health site. The egg had began cracking under the “pressure of social media”.
On February 2nd the page posted an image of the egg photoshopped with the stitching of a football. It was announced that all would “be revealed this Sunday following the Super Bowl. Watch it first, only on @hulu”.
Finally, earlier this week, the account posted a video of the egg cracking. The video included text announcing the egg’s involvement with a new mental health resource site.
“Recently I’ve started to crack. The pressure of social media is getting to me. If you’re struggling too, talk to someone. We got this.”
Following the link takes you to a website showing a growing list of mental health resources from around the world. Find your country and you’ll find links to mental health resources. Australian health services listed so far include Sane, Headspace, and Beyond Blue.
In 2017, a mental health service was set up specifically targeted at helping musos and other industry professionals.