
Young Rival

There must be something in the maple syrup, as Canada exports some of the freshest and infectious music acts such as the Beibster, Nickleback, Neil Young. Young Rival are no exception. Hailing from Ontario, Canada, this new-wave rock three-piece write some of the finest songs.

young rival

You’ve got to listen to Black is Good and Two Reasons. Even better, go check out their video clips – they seem to like tricking the ol’ eyeball. In Two Reasons, you can see mad face paint skills, complete with a painted monkey with someone’s mouth as the anus, the mad alien opera chick from The 5th Element and a Vishnu. Even trippy-er, Black Good also does not disappoint with an ode to the 90’s “Magic Eye” technique in the video clip, released earlier this year. It may take a few tries, but once you see it you’ll thank me for saving you $30 for a 3D movie.

They have a knack for writing catchy hooks and memorable melodies with a 60’s rock edge.  Take a handful of crunchy rock, a sprinkle of pop and add a bit of Beach Boys-esque harmonies, you got yourself a great indie rock band. So many songs you could add to your “road-trip-to-the-beach” summer playlist. A hands-down gig to go to if they ever make it down-under.



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