
YEEVS’ Top 10 songs of 2014

And they’re out of the gates with a flying start! 2014 has been a promising year for Sydney shoegaze-punk-rock trio YEEVS, and Happy has been school girl crushing on them since the very beginning. This year they’ve launched two memorable and killer tracks – with the debut of Speakin’ Some Sense and latest single, Chunk – both are full of the intensity, raw energy, grit and the overall charm signature to this band as they satisfy a balance between aggression and vulnerability.

These boys are no strangers to the music scene with members Bradley Cork (vocals, guitar) and Sean Lees (bass) both from the bands Bradley Cork and the Folklore Mantra, and Tom Bamford (drums) from Bird with Thumbs. As the year comes to a close, YEEVS have taken a moment to reflect: “We’re really happy with the way YEEVS has been received in 2014. Next year we’ll be focused on writing and recording for a major release, as well as playing lots of shows, including some tour dates”.


Flowertruck, The War on Drugs, Courtney Barnett, Jody and more…YEEVS pick their top 10 songs of the year and give us the scoop on what makes them brilliant.

Spookyland – Adventure Song

This song evokes so much strange and surrealistic imagery, while also carrying out a narrative that seems both illuminating and painstaking. The vocal delivery is also one of my favourites as you can really feel that each lyric was crafted perfectly.

The Church – Pride Before A Fall

A very mellow and trippy number by The Church with a lovely lifting chorus. This album is such a great one from a legendary band.

Cymbals Eat Guitars – Jackson

Emotional and cathartic tune that recalls the best parts of the 90’s, while also having an anthemic quality to it.

Melody’s Echo Chamber – Shirim

Begins a little ethnic, but then suddenly you’re in the middle of what sounds like psychedelic rock meets funky chic guitars, with reverb laden percussion loops that sound like they’re been ripped straight from a boom box. Alongside Melody’s cool vocals, it’s a winner.

Flowertruck – I Wanna Be With You

Think feel good party tune meets fun lovey dovey romance. Stand outs here are Charles charming shout-like vocals, as well as the bit that sounds like a crisp crunchy center (some might say it’s the chorus).

Metronomy – Love Letters

Love the infectious quality of up-beat indie pop meets the acoustic quality of 70’s pop like Supertramp and knowing how to really use a good hook. There’s a little classic synth and a sweet trumpet solo that round the song out perfectly.

The War On Drugs – Red Eyes

This whole album is amazing, this song is a standout however. It’s Bruce Springsteen’s The River meets Bob Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks, colossal.

Courtney Barnett – History Eraser

Catchy as hell, so much groove. Courtney Barnett is one of those song writers who make you think “oh of course those words go together, but I could never think of that”. She’s amazing.

Beck – Don’t Let It Go

This song has a melancholy 70’s country vibe, a little bit Neil Young. Beck is obviously an extremely talented songwriter, and composer (all the orchestral arrangements on the album are done by him), but the production on this makes it, Tom Elmhirst and Beck, wizardry.

Jody – Love Boat

Jody have nailed it. They’re a killer band, with killer songs and this song is just mad. It’s melodic, poppy and those guitar lines are catchy as fuck. It’s a whole lot of fun.