Time-honoured Neil Young recently announced his a formal release of his 1975 shelved LP Homegrown, which has eluded fans for almost 45 years.
“A record that has been hidden for decades. Too personal and revealing to expose in the freshness of those times.” Young wrote on his Neil Young Archives.
2020 is the time to be alive, with more classics set to see the light of day from the extensive archives of Neil Young.
It’s not uncommon for Young to release archived records from his earlier days, such as Songs For Judy and Hitchhiker unveiled last year and the year before respectively. Creative expression wasn’t an issue for Young in the ’70s, he was releasing new music at a frequent pace, but he struggled with releasing records like Homegrown that delved deep into his life, opening him up to vulnerability.
The gruelling task of restoring the analogue masters hasn’t deterred Young and long-time producer John Hanlon, in an age where digital has saved many aspects of art thought to be unrecoverable.
Growing up with parents who refused to play any music outside of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, Neil Young’s Harvest Moon and Heart of Gold were just some of the tracks which found their way to my family stereo. Now, with the knowledge of unreleased music coming to fruition in 2020, kids around the world with avid musically-inclined families will flock to get their hands on Homegrown in any form, physical or digital.
Homegrown will be released in 2020, with no exact set at the moment.