Our lives have been blessed with nearly 100 years of Betty White, with the beloved actress celebrating her 99th birthday on January 17th.
Her wicked sense of humour and serious acting chops have earned Betty White a place in Hollywood history that’s reserved exclusively for legends. But this hasn’t excluded the comedic actress from having a COVID-safe birthday, planning to celebrate her 99th year in quarantine.
When asked about her plans to celebrate, she said: “running a mile each morning has been curtailed by COVID, so I am working on getting ‘The Pet Set’ re-released, and feeding the two ducks who come to visit me every day.”
![betty white](https://happymag.tv/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/betty-white.jpg)
When discussing the key to a long life, the actress said that the secret is “having a sense of humour. Just looking at the positive side and not dwelling on the downside.”
“Takes up too much energy being negative. Also having a good agent who keeps me busy all the time,” she added.
Betty white turns 99 years old on Sunday, the 17th.
We must protect America’s last Golden Girl at all costs.
— ForTheBiscuit (@FTBiscuitGames) January 13, 2021
A few more tips from Betty include keeping yourself busy: “Don’t focus everything on you, that wears out pretty fast,” she told Katie Couric in a 2017 interview. “It’s not hard to find things you’re interested in, but enjoy them and indulge them, and I think that can keep you on your toes.”
Keeping busy did its trick for White, with her role in Golden Girls landing her four Golden Globe nominations. She also recommends exercising your mind with quizzes and “Crossword puzzles! I’m addicted. An admitted addict. I just can’t put ’em down,” she told Couric.
betty white turns 99 in 4 days. SOMEONE KEEP HER IN A BUBBLE!!
— Dadman Walking (@dadmann_walking) January 13, 2021
It wouldn’t be a complete Betty White interview, however, without her nail-in-the-coffin line about her love for vodka and hot dogs: “probably in that order,” she added.
Betty White is turning 99 this weekend and is still working.
I am 39 and just ate a banana because peeling an orange felt like too much work.
— Abby Heugel (@AbbyHasIssues) January 15, 2021