
Check out this adorable video of Michael Bublé serenading a trio of gorillas

Michael Bublé has discovered some unlikely new fans: three silverback gorillas at a zoo in Victoria.

Zookeepers at Werribee Open Range Zoo in Victoria play Bublé’s Christmas album all year ’round, and the gorillas – Ganyeka, Yakini, and Motaba – have developed quite a penchant for the Canadian crooner.

michael buble, gorillas

Whilst on a recent trip to Australia, Michael Bublé serenaded some unlikely fans: three gorillas at Werribee Open Range Zoo.

According to zookeeper Ben Gulli, the music calms them down.

“The beautiful low tones that Bublé sings with kind of mimics their pleasure grumble,” he describes. “When we play Michael Bublé’s CDs, the boys will instantly start pleasure grumbling, and sit nice and calm and relaxed.”

Apparently Michael Bublé’s voice sounds like a gorillas’ “pleasure grumble”. Nice.

Even more incredibly, whilst recently visiting Australia, Bublé paid Ganyeka, Yakini, and Motaba a visit. Standing beside their enclosure, he gave a rendition of Santa Clause Is Coming To Town, which is, obviously, their favourite song. The gorillas, I’m sure, were not disappointed.

Check out the video of Bublé singing to the gorillas below.

Remember when Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers had a cheeky bass jam with superstar Gorilla Koko?

In other news, three baboons that ran amok in Sydney’s Inner West yesterday after escaping from the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital have now been captured.