
8-year-old author sneaks book into library, now it’s got a 2 year waiting list

A boy in Idaho is now a worldwide phenomenon after sneaking his handwritten comic book onto the shelf in his local library.

Meet Dillon Helbig. He’s decades younger than the world’s leading businessmen (although their behaviour would suggest otherwise),  but his clever entrepreneurship is being noticed globally.

For the past three years, Dillon has been planning to sneak his book onto the shelf of Lake Hazel’s Ada Community Library. A feat he managed to pull off with his 81-page comic book, The Adventures of Dillon Helbig’s Crismis.

boy sneaks book into library
Credit: Alex Hartman/Ada Community Library

The reverse heist took place in December, during a trip to the library with his grandmother. “It was naughty-ish,” Dillion told KTVB in a ridiculously cute interview.  But the eight-year-old admitted that his plan wasn’t too out of the ordinary for him, telling the US network, “I always be sneaky, like how I get chocolate.”

Once his mother worked out what Dillon had done, she called the librarian, Alex Hartman to make sure the book wasn’t thrown away. But Hartman was so impressed by Dillon’s masterpiece that he labelled it properly as a graphic novel, complete with a barcode and official library sticker.

The graphic novel took Dillon just four days to write and illustrate, with an engrossing plot about an exploding star on top of a Christmas tree that sends the author spiralling back in time to the very first Thanksgiving.

The young Hemmingway opted for a trendy, minimalist design for the book’s cover, sticky-taping a square of white paper to an exercise book that reads: “The Adventures of Dillon Helbig’s Crismis by Dillion His Self.”

More than 50 people have joined the waiting list to read The Adventures of Dillon Helbig’s Crismis, and there have been discussions of turning the comic into an e-book with the help of the librarian.

The eight-year-old has wasted no time getting started on his next book, which is rumoured to be about a jacket-eating closet.

Not only is this the cutest thing ever, but Dillon’s stories genuinely sound so much better than half the children’s books written by adults.