Each track is a window into his world, offering a genuine, unvarnished look at his experiences and emotions.
Australian artist Flynn Sant, better known as flowerkid, has just sprung a pleasant surprise on his fans with the release of his second EP, “LET IT BE ENOUGH“.
The collection features seven new tracks that carry the signature haunting beauty of his music.
For those who prefer the tactile experience, the vinyl version is slated for release on January 19, available for pre-order now.
In a personal letter to his listeners, Flynn opens up about the challenges he’s faced recently, candidly sharing the toll online harassment has taken on him.
He speaks of his journey to find strength in vulnerability and how he’s eager to share this collection of songs, which hold a special place in his heart.
“I AM A HUMAN BEING. I AM NOT A MACHINE. I HAVE FEELINGS,” he declares, breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations.
Flynn’s candidness is a refreshing reminder that it’s okay to be real and to acknowledge the weight of our emotions.
With “LET IT BE ENOUGH,” flowerkid invites us on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Each track is a window into his world, offering a genuine, unvarnished look at his experiences and emotions.
Flynn’s gratitude to his steadfast supporters is palpable. Their unwavering encouragement has been the driving force behind his decision to return to music and to share this new chapter of his artistry.
“LET IT BE ENOUGH” is not just an EP; it’s an invitation to connect on a deeper level with an artist who’s unafraid to lay it all on the line. The music is a testament to the power of embracing vulnerability and finding strength in our shared humanity.