
Get your instrumental fix in Adrian Lim-Klumpes’ tempo driven, evocative new offering Yield

Adrian Lim-Klumpes is an Australian pianist making a name for himself with intricate, beautifully executed keystrokes and a striking narrative to match.

A force to be reckoned with, Klumpes is the frontman for post-jazz bands Triosk, 3ofmillions, and Tangents as well as being a formidable solo act in his own right

Creating textural harmonies with a burning sense of nostalgia, Adrian Lim-Klumpes shapes moods with emotion-heavy themes.

Lyrical and harmonious, this man of many talents has crafted a reality from his improvised ideas, conjuring up a 52 minute, 10 track record named Yield that speaks to listeners on an emotional level.

On nothing but a Steinway piano, Lim-Klumpes incorporates minimalism, jazz harmonies and soft electronics to produce what can only be described as multi-layered preludes of classical piano and spacious melodies, without the confusion of any vocals.

Drawing similarities to modern pianists like John Cage, Bill Evans, Philip Glass, Harold Budd and Chris Abrahams, Yield explores the beauty of Lim-Klumpes’ solo piano composition, the tracks designed to transmit every facet of his sound, down to the very echoes.

Watch and Follow are the first pair of tracks on the record, gently inviting listeners in with glistening melodies, soft strokes and electronic accents, eventually building up to a more urgent rhythm. Also driven by their own tempo are other tracks, Caution and Chase, Wait and Rush, Process and Control, Move and Remain, falling under the same banner of warm, slow intros that build into dramatic brushstrokes.

Lim-Klumpes uses the piano as a form of expression, skilfully manipulating the keystrokes to imitate different shades, painting an colourful picture of deep and raw emotion. Yield is to be interpreted as a narrative, beginning with tension and ending with resolution.

Touching on themes such as violence, loneliness, pain as well as peace, warmth, tenderness and fragility, the ten track record is a Yield ​takes you to a different emotional realm with each track, an astral adventure into a classic yet emotive musical landscape.


Catch Adrian Lim-Klumpes at his official album launches:

17​ ​Nov ​-​ Drill Hill Gallery, Canberra
26​ Nov – Lebowski’s Melbourne
29​ ​Nov​ ​- Foundry 616, Sydney