After an almost twenty-year career of constant mystery, cutting edge methods of distribution and just plain mastery, our favourite elusive music superheroes, Radiohead have done it again.
Just days after turning the internet on its head and completely disappearing, the British five-piece have unleashed their new track Burn The Witch into the world, complete with a mind bending and frankly, chilling claymation video.
Completely out of nowhere, Burn The Witch has caught all of our attention in the best possible way; it’s Radiohead at their creative and conceptual best.
The eerie nature of the video is born through the marriage of Radiohead’s gorgeous, sombre waves of sound melting over pages of, seemingly childish, claymation figures. Underlying, however, is the sinister theme of a pagan witch burning taking place and being devised, seemingly, by the town crier of all people, the bastard. Having said this, the lack of dialogue and any context, besides Thom Yorke’s swooping and solemn drawl, contributes to the ominous mystique of the scene – it could mean anything, really.
Apparently conceived and created in just 14 days, the Trumpton style figurines are about as cute as Chuckie holding a knife to your throat, once you understand their true tale. The captivating video begs so many questions while, in essence, answering them all. The video serves as yet another conceptual masterpiece from the band and a reminder that Radiohead are the best in the business.
Musically, Burn The Witch is, in part, a welcome return to the period of bliss that was centred around In Rainbows, one of the band’s finest efforts. It’s been said that their more recent releases such as King of Limbs were slightly less well received by fans, having more of an electronic and experimental edge, however, it’s plausible to suggest that Burn The Witch hits that shining oil line of genius sitting right in between infinite invention and meaningful delivery.
If you haven’t already, head to YouTube immediately to witness yet another historic moment in the history of one of the best bands around.