
“Breakthrough” MDMA therapy has just come one step closer to widespread clinical use

Back in December last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved clinical trials of MDMA therapy in America. As the major substance authority in the country, it was a huge, necessary hurdle for the drug to vault, and new reports have shown that the FDA are very happy indeed. Maybe it’s just the molly.

In a new report from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), they revealed that the FDA have classified MDMA administration for patients suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a “breakthrough therapy”.

mdma therapy FDA ecstasy PTSD post traumatic stress disorder

Initial clinical trials for MDMA therapy in America have been a success, with the country’s largest drug authority marking it a “breakthrough” treatment.

For those who aren’t aware, MDMA is the active ingredient in ecstasy, and a banned substance pretty much everywhere. It’s legalisation as a treatment is following a similar path to marijuana, albeit a few years back on the timeline.

What this latest news means is that MDMA therapy will now enter Phase 3 trials; cutting-edge, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled research projects involving multiple teams.

All signs point to the drug being clinically available by 2021, possibly earlier.

Via IFLScience.