Last night, in case you missed it somehow, Game of Thrones returned for its seventh season. I won’t say much, but the long-awaited return definitely lived up to the hype.
Right before the episode aired, Time Magazine released a top-notch series of shots featuring a slew of the Game of Thrones cast. Well, those who aren’t dead already.

See the Game of Thrones cast propelled into modern, poppy portraiture with Miles Aldridge’s technicolour shots for Time Magazine.
Speaking to Time Magazine, who featured this series, photographer Miles Aldridge noted that the shots combined the pose and structure of Renaissance portraiture with modern pop art, edging on utter, colourful psychedelia. He specifically cited Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach as influences.
Aldridge wanted to juxtapose the actors’ medieval characterisation with a modern touch, dropping the Game of Thrones cast into a setting that was utterly alien to the usual viewer, yet just as spectacular as the series itself.
I’d say he did a pretty bang-up job. Check out the rest of the photos for yourself below.

Via It’s Nice That.