
This fella definitely has a screw loose, but he did create a mean-sounding bike synth

Will batshit beautiful synth innovation ever reach the end of the line? We’ve seen custom, DIY synths popping up everywhere lately, not to mention the very, very dangerous geiger counter module. You’d think we’ve seen it all, but nope… here’s a bike synth.

It comes via Youtube engineer LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER, who honestly may have a screw loose. But if we’ve learned anything from keeping an eye on the forefront of synthesiser experimentation, it’s that these machines really do attract the crazy scientist types.

Anyway, this thing sounds pretty tight.

synth bike 3.0 youtube look mum no computer dublin

Want to exercise and play an analogue synth at the same time? Probably not, but here’s a bike synth so you can do it anyway.

Old mate makes this work by hitching his custom-built analogue synth onto the bike’s handlebar frame. Meanwhile a set of magnets have been mounted on the back wheel, which trigger the synth’s sequence as the wheels spin.

A few words from the madman himself:

The synth is An oscillator going into a frequency central VCF VCA, and also being quantized and octaved by a Frequency central TRANS EUROPA. there is a wav trigger holding all of the drums! and the power supplies are FREQUENCY CENTRAL also. its a proper spaghetti junction!