
Tonight’s free online workshop: What Your Community Can Do For You

Being a musician is a tough gig, and all too often it can feel like you’re out there on your own. However in Australia that’s hardly true, and there are a number of organisations, initiatives, and industry personnel willing to support you on your journey towards becoming a career artist.

In the free online workshop What Your Community Can Do For You, Happy Mag and the City of Sydney will delve into just who these organisations are, and how you should be engaging with them as a musician.

happy mag city of sydney workshop what your community can do for you

Join Happy Mag and the City of Sydney for What Your Community Can Do For You, a primer on the organisations and people who exist to support local musicians in Australia.

Happy Mag’s Music Editor Tom Cameron and News Editor Claudia Schmidt will be running the What Your Community Can Do For You workshop. Outside of their work with Happy Mag, both Tom and Claudia have played in a number of Sydney-based bands, engaging with organisations such as APRA AMCOS, MusicNSW, and others as musicians and industry professionals.

Jake Stone of Sydney band Bluejuice will also be joining in. Since his work on the stage, Stone has helped to produce and appeared at a great many music industry workshops, and he’ll be sharing exactly what makes them so valuable to musicians, emerging and veteran alike.

Additionally, FBi Radio host and AMRAP Support Officer Lachlan Wyllie will join the workshop to share a few notes about why you should be using AMRAP’s services to get radio airplay.

What Your Community Can Do For You is the third workshop in the Building Your Creative Community series, presented by Happy Mag and City of Sydney. All workshops will be streamed live via the Happy Mag Facebook page, meaning absolutely anybody is free to watch – any questions asked in the chat will also be answered during the stream.

Check out the full workshop schedule below:

Workshop Schedule

May 20 – Collaborating and Networking – WATCH
May 27 – Building Your Own Events – WATCH
June 3 – What Your Community Can Do For You – RSVP
June 10 – Your Wider Community – RSVP
June 12 – Pyjama Jam: Live at Your Place – Coming soon!