Kelly Angood, known for her Instagram account Fruit Stickers, has a passion for, you guessed it – fruit stickers. Over the years she’s amassed 100s of stickers, and 16,000 followers.
Unlike a lot of other collectors out there, the world of fruit sticker obsession isn’t too weird when you think about it. They’re essentially miniaturised graphic design, and have the same amount of artistic input and variation as any other medium.
The designs of fruit stickers are as varied as any other medium, and Kelly Angood is the one Instagrammer bringing this phenomenon to life.
The culmination of her meticulous collection and research comes in the form of a curated year planner, launched via Kickstarter. With two weeks left on the campaign, the project has already reached it’s funding target – showing that Angood is far from the only one eating up these gorgeous designs.
Placing the stickers on white backgrounds, away from their tasty origins was a breakthrough for Angood.
“I love how taking them out of their expected environment helps people adjust their focus.”
See a selection of Angood’s favourite stickers below, and be sure to follow her on Instagram for a constant stream of her hand-picked selections.
Via It’s Nice That.