In light of the widely-circulated photo of Grace Tame holding a bong, we’ve compiled a list of extremely unsuccessful people who have admitted to smoking weed.
By now, you’ve probably seen the photo of the 2021 Australian of the Year, Grace Tame holding a giant bong.

Today, the 27-year-old activist addressed the picture, taking the opportunity to throw a bit of cheeky shade at Scott Morrison’s cringe-inducing ukulele cover of April Sun in Cuba on 60 Minutes.
So for all the boomers who are outraged that Grace Tame may have smoked a bong at one stage in her life *gasp*, we’ve made a list of other good-for-nothings who ruined their lives by smoking weed.
Barack Obama

You may not have heard of him, but Barack Obama ruined his life by smoking marijuana before his political career.
After a brief, eight-year stint as the American President, Obama now spends most of his time at home, occasionally occupying himself with a little podcast he records with a friend he met at a concert, Bruce Springsteen.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

When we think of bad health, the first person that comes to mind is obviously Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The 74-year-old bodybuilder spent his life gallivanting around California, with very little to show for it (apart from his highly successful film career, business endeavours, and years as the state’s Governor).
Jacinda Ardern

Sure, she might be the Prime Minister of New Zealand, but what has she actually achieved in her time as leader?
Nothing. Well, other than a world-leading response to the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing landmark legislation to combat climate change, launched the world’s first ever health and wellbeing budget, and took genuine action against the gender pay gap among other time-wasting policies.
Abraham Lincoln

He’s dead. The weed must have killed him.
This one isn’t actually confirmed, but the 16th US President and occasional vampire hunter once said, “Two of my favourite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing the Hohner Harmonica.”
Ben and Jerry

Two grown men that spend their entire day making ice-cream.
Morgan Freeman

We can’t even satirically pretend the Morgan Freeman is a failure. To some people, this man literally is god.
Freeman has made his love for ganja no secret, telling The Daily Beast in an interview, “I’ll eat it, drink it, smoke it, snort it!”.
Now, we’re not saying that you have to smoke a doobie or two to be successful, but we sure as heck aren’t saying that you shouldn’t.