
Ben Drysdale is a shoulder to cry on in new single ‘Listen Now’

Canberra singer-songwriter Ben Drysdale details how mental health has touched his life on evocative new ballad ‘Listen Now’. 

Ben Drysdale has proven the transformative power of being a shoulder to cry on with his new sophomore single, ‘Listen Now’.

The track — a follow-up to Drysdale’s 2023 debut ‘If I Don’t Lie Down’ — sees the Canberra-based singer-songwriter reflect on how mental health has touched his life, as guided by stirring piano keys.

Ben Drysdale single 'Listen Now'

While he might be best known for his indie-folk sound, ‘Listen Now’ finds Drysdale in a more vulnerable state, trying his hand at balladry with transcendent results. 

The track’s glittering piano keys provide the emotional basis, with further texture added in whirring synths and rustic guitar melodies.

The relatively sparse production allows Drysdale’s voice to take centre stage, but the track goes on to reach an ascendant climax that proves altogether soul-stirring.

Here, Drysdale belts out raw vocals alongside swelling instrumentation, reaching what can only be described as a sonic catharsis. 

Ben Drysdale single 'Listen Now'

‘Listen Now’ was inspired by a phone call Drysdale received from a friend enduring a bout of dire mental health. The lyrics detail the importance of listening when someone is in need, and how empathy and support can save lives.

“Listen now a little while,” he pines with tangible candour in the first verse, “I’ll tell you where I hide the cracks behind my smile.” While Drysdale’s storytelling might be tinged with moments of sadness, the track ultimately ends on a note of optimism.

“It’s gonna be alright,” he sings reassuringly, “We’ll take a stumble through the tunnel And we’ll make it to the light.” It bookends a poignant narrative that remains timely, especially in Australia, where 3000 lives are lost to suicide each year. 

Ben Drysdale single 'Listen Now'

What’s more, half of the Bandcamp proceeds from ‘Listen Now’ will be donated to mental health charity, The Black Dog Institute.

Drysdale will launch the single with a show at Smith’s Alternative in Canberra on June 22. Find tickets here. In the meantime, check out Ben Drysdale’s new single ‘Listen Now’, below.