If you’ve been feeling more tired than usual during the pandemic then you’re not alone. A bunch of people have been reporting that they’ve been feeling an increased sense of fatigue before their usual bedtime whilst in isolation.
Scientists have discovered the reasoning behind the premature tiredness that many of us are feeling, with many of the causes relating to stress and anxiety. Scientists believe that the “psychological strain” that has come with the pandemic could be making us much more tired.
People are reporting an increased sense of fatigue and anxiety during isolation and scientists are laying down the reasons why.
Scientists have highlighted some factors that may contribute to fatigue, anxiety and stress that many of us are feeling at the moment. The initial adjustment period of isolation is having the most detrimental affect on people. A lot of us have adjusted our lifestyles in dramatic ways which scientists say can bring on tears and low feelings in the first few days or even weeks. This is a completely normal aspect of adjustment.
The adjustment stage comes in phases. Research suggests that the first few days of isolation cause people to detach from their “old way of life”. At this stage, our emotions are probably running wild. Scientists suggest writing a diary or journal to reflect and keep track of emotions.
The final stage of adjustment and acceptance is present after three months. Although, research has concluded that there is also a sense of melancholy to accompany initial isolation emotions.
However, experts suggest there is one period, about three weeks in, to watch out for. During this time, a person can feel a loss of morale and anxiety linked to the sense that this new life has become permanent. If you experience this, take heart to know that these feelings will pass and don’t tend to return.
Scientists suggest using structure to regain energy and generally feel better during isolation. This includes having set times for meals, a good sleeping schedule, and an exercise routine. And these factors influence each other: an exercise routine can improve a bad sleep schedule which means we’ll all be waking up in time for breakfast.