
8 Musicians and Producers Using AI to Make Music

Artificial Intelligence is no longer just science fiction – it’s becoming a crucial tool for musicians and producers

AI’s influence is reaching across the music industry. From resurrecting the sounds of departed legends to assisting electronic music producers and inspiring experimental artists, AI is becoming a new creative partner.

Paul McCartney, Timbaland and adventurous musicians like Holly Herndon are incorporating AI into their creative process in groundbreaking ways, using it to generate new sounds, melodies, and vocal harmonies that defy traditional music composition.

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We explore the work of 8 groundbreaking artists who are redefining music creation through their collaborations with Artificial Intelligence.

Paul McCartney

Gotta love Paul McCartney for stepping up and using AI to bring a lost John Lennon demo back to life. While producing a Beatles documentary, he found a rough recording with John’s vocals buried in the mix.

AI separated John’s voice, allowing Paul and Ringo Starr to complete the song “Now And Then“. This technology offered a chance to finish a piece they started together years ago.


Timbaland sparked a very heated debate in 2023  when he used it to analyze the rapping of Notorious B.I.G., crafting new verses that mimicked Biggie’s style, even referencing events after his passing.

While some fans were hyped, others felt it disrespectful and questioned the ethics of AI-generated music impersonating deceased artists. Still, we were keen for it.


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Grimes is clearly no stranger to the cutting edge of technology, not only does she incorporate AI into her music production but has also embraced AI-generated visuals and concepts in her projects.

Her track with Astronata “Basilisk’s Lullaby”is a testament to her futuristic vision, blending artificially-generated elements with her unique style. Grimes has incidently also started her own AI company Elf Tech.

Taryn Southern

Former YouTuber turned musician, Taryn Southern made waves with her album “I AM AI.” The entire album was co-produced with AI software Amper Music, demonstrating how Artificial Intelligence can assist in creating melodies, harmonies, and even entire compositions.

Southern’s work showcases AI’s potential in mainstream music production.


Venezuelan producer Arca is known for pushing boundaries, and her use of Artificial Intelligence in music is no exception. She integrates AI algorithms to create complex, otherworldly soundscapes that challenge traditional music norms.

Arca’s work with AI is not just about enhancing sound but about exploring new musical frontiers. In 2020 Arca threw her track “Riquiqui” into an Artificial Intelligence generator, and created 100 remixes.

Holly Herndon

Holly Herndon’s album “PROTO” is a groundbreaking piece created in collaboration with an AI named Spawn. Herndon used Artificial Intelligence to analyze and mimic her vocal style, producing a blend of human and machine-generated music.

Her work blurs the lines between human and AI creativity, offering a glimpse into the future of collaborative music making.

David Guetta

Superstar DJ and producer David Guetta has embraced AI to keep the dance floor alive. He has used Artificial Intelligence algorithms to analyze crowd reactions and adjust his sets in real time, ensuring that the energy stays high throughout his performances.

Guetta’s integration of Artificial Intelligence into live shows is setting new standards for interactive music experiences. He also made waves recently by using an AI Eminem vocal.


LA-based band YACHT turned to AI to reinvent their sound for their album “Chain Tripping.” They fed their past music into machine learning algorithms, which then generated new musical ideas.

The result is a fresh, innovative sound that remains true to YACHT’s essence while pushing their creative boundaries.