Most of us have had to come up with some creative ways to relieve our boredom during isolation, and one travel photographer has certainly taken this to the next level.
The photographer has been creating travel pics by using nothing more than basic household objects and mini figurines and the results are pretty damn impressive.
A travel photographer is using her platform to share her isolation travel photography using just some basic household items and a whole lot of imagination.
Erin Sullivan has discovered a way to best make use of her time in quarantine whilst continuing to create.
Sullivan says that her aim is to “communicate the wonder of this Earth and to inspire connection so that ultimately, we might take our role as stewards a bit more thoughtfully.”
Sullivan shared her isolation experience with Bored Panda:
“As a travel photographer, I spend a lot of my time outdoors and photographing interesting places around the world. When our stay at home order went into effect last month, I wanted to challenge myself to stay creative in my craft without leaving my house.”
She made use of items such as bedsheets, paper bags, and food to create her isolation travel photography. Sullivan also mentioned that the process benefited her mental health and challenged her creativity.
“I had the idea to create outdoor adventure scenes out of objects in my house, I shot a few scenes as experiments before I ever shared the project publicly and found that creating this series of images helped me keep my imagination active and my creative practice alive.”
Check out her entire collection on Instagram by clicking here!