
Pink Floyd under attack from a group of trolls for their rainbow coloured logo

Pink Floyd announced a 50th-anniversary reissue box set of their iconic 1973 album ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ which has divided fans.

Pink Floyd, one of the most iconic and enduring bands in rock music history, is under attack from a group of trolls who are criticizing the band for “going woke” by incorporating a rainbow-coloured logo in their 50th-anniversary celebration of the release of their seminal album, The Dark Side of the Moon.

The 1973 album, which features a prism reflecting light that creates the colours of the rainbow, has long been associated with support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

pink floyd 50th reissue

But some fans are not pleased with the updated logo, calling it “woke” and a statement of support for the LGBTQ+ movement. One fan commented on the band’s Facebook page, “Lose the rainbow, you’re making yourself look stupid!”, while another vowed to never listen to Pink Floyd again.

However, the backlash to the backlash has been swift and fierce, with many Pink Floyd fans coming to the band’s defence. One fan wrote, “Imagine claiming to be a Pink Floyd fan for longer than I’ve been alive, and still knowing nothing about them.” Another added, “You know you’re homophobic when you get mad at the rainbow that has always been Pink Floyd’s logo.”

Even American actor George Takei weighed in on the controversy with a humorous tweet, “Who wants to tell them?” Adding “The furor from the right over the 50th-anniversary post by Pink Floyd as “going woke with rainbows” is peak MAGA ignorance. It’s a prism of their own making, as it were.”

It seems detractors are missing the point entirely. Pink Floyd’s music has always been about pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms, and the band’s use of the rainbow logo is a continuation of that legacy. The rainbow is not a political statement, it is a symbol of unity and diversity, which is something that Pink Floyd has always championed in their music. So, to the trolls, we say this: If you can’t appreciate the beauty and meaning behind the rainbow, perhaps it’s time to find another band to listen to.