
Scott Morrison finally moves out of Kirribilli House 13 days after election

After well and truly overstaying his welcome, Scott Morrison has finally handed over the keys to Kirribilli House.

Since being booted out of his role over two weeks ago, ex-PM Scott Morrison has been in no rush to vacate Kirribilli House and let Albo take the reigns.

After squatting at the official residence for 13 days, ScoMo and his family were finally seen vacating the home over the weekend.

Credit: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short

En route to their secondary residence in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire, the Morrisons were accompanied by two large removalist trucks, which reportedly contained items including garden furniture and a ping pong table.

Their nearly record-breaking post-election stay fell just short of John Howard’s 16-day squat back in 2017, and sparked the nickname “Squat Morrison” which rapidly infiltrated social media.


Despite the max two-week vacating protocol, ScoMo’s “overstayed welcome” was apparently justified due to his Sutherland home needing a “lick of paint” before the Morrisons could move back in.

On Friday arvo, the former PM was seen lounging on the deck of the freshly-painted house. He was photographed speaking to a passer-by, as a removalist truck pulled up and parked beside the property.

Credit: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper

Since leaving Kirribilli over the weekend, Scotty’s reportedly gone into vacation mode. Close sources say he’s planning an extended period of leave so he can spend some quality time with Jenny and the kids.

Perhaps now would be a more appropriate time for a family trip to Hawaii?